Sunday, January 22, 2012

Coldplay !

Yawww ! I love Coldplay so much ! And i obsess ! hahahaha !

Coldplay - Paradise
Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
Coldplay - Charlie Brown
Coldplay - Hurt Like Heaven
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Coldplay - Fix You
Coldplay - Scientist

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tak Sangke :D

Yawww :D . Hello dan salam . happy chinese new year ! luq baru baru je balik qiam . huhuhu . mate cam 24 hours . hahaha . harap2 lah boleh dpt 8A ! amin (buat solat hajat tady) . mase nak ondoway blk sekolah . terjumpe pulak mak nashreen . luq x sangke . hihihi . then mase balik . pegy lah sarapan kat restoran kat sek7 . terjumpe pulak ! syakir ngan aqil . dah grown up ! hahaha . dtg pulak syahadah ngan fatimah . hahaha . oklah tuh dah cun skit . hahaha ! ok gtg ! bye2 !

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Truth

I hopping you read this . It is mean a lot to me . You must be curious why i text you so many . Sorry to say . I was worried about you . You didnt text me for a while . I was worried about you . I think you're gone ( sorry i say that ) . If you had a problem you can tell me . if you want . Kan kite nie kawan . right ?

P/s : sorilah buat ayt jiwang sgt . -,-