Sunday, June 10, 2012


Hello guys , luq skrg kat bandung,indonesia . its just like O.M.G . Hahahaha XD , Im to lazy to upload picture in bandung and jakarta . The foooood are awesome . Sedap giler ! Sebelum pergi klia, rindu kat kawan-kawan . Kat sini mane boleh sms ke malaysia .buleh sms , kene beli simcard kat sini, simcard kat sini 6000 rupiah . around rm2.oo . murah giler ! nak sms farewell kat kawan-kawan bagi kawan jealous . hehe XD . so , i see you guys later . Tatatatata :3

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wey !

hello , what a streess weeeks !! haha ! tulah ni lah , hmm . kesian kat member , mcm dah kene reject je . baru dah official "Couple" . keesokkannye dah official "Break" . Puuiiih !!! For all boys
& girl out there . jagelah hati org . Kalau suke kat org tuh , buat bagi dier suke kitelah . Jgnlah dah suke tuh buang je cam sampah bai ! . Kalau kita jatuh hati pada seseorang , cube pikat hati dier . Kalau takder niat tuk pikat , jangan pikat ler.

---> Seronok giler dapat bf/gf .

---> Kalau dah break .

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Hello,there . The girl in a picture is Wan Nur Diyana . This is my first friend girl at sklh safinah . Yana ni seorang nice and sweet :) . Born 9 April 1998 . junior lah form 2 . hehehe

btw : sorilah , awkward first times tulis blog pasal perempuan . hehe

Friday, March 23, 2012

Semua cam ni :DDD

Friday, March 2, 2012

guess guess

haha !

allu everybody ! salam ! guess what i met hannan ! tuh member luq mase kat sias -,- kah kah !
tgk2 dier pindah kat safinah ! dpt member baru ! yeah ! then tanye lah asal pindah sini !? kat sias tajde form 4,5 ! and i was seriously ! on to the next one !

kebetulan,pulak sebelum hannan pindah sklh ! luq gi sias , gi sane nak ambil salinan keputusan UPSR . sebab yg ori tuh x igt ltk kat ne ! kah kah ! sias dah maju, siap ade ketering lak tuh! maju wey ! mase tgh tunggu photosetet, ade jumpe ustazah azizah,ustazah norshahidah ngan ustazah nurliza yg ske cubit2 tuh ! hahaha ! gooood feeeling :D

asyik layan lgu retro , hello by lionel richie :D

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Unexpected ?

Coldplay - Paradise

Alluu and salam . luq baru je balik dr program kat sklh . huhuhu . so tired! kene perah otak byk2 . hahaha . mase abis solat jumaat lepas . ade terserempak ngan syahmi,afnan ngan raja danial . hohoho . gembire giler doh ! hohoho ! then mase program . kene gi masjid negeri sebab kuliah kat sane ler ngan member sklh ! aarrgghh ! perah otak! mase nak tgu masuk maghrib . ade nampak budak tahfiz mtaqsa (rasenye lah) . hohoho . mcm debar lak (tibe2) . tgk kat pelajar perempuan tahfiz . berputih semuanye . pandang jelah then nampak NASHREEN!! . Shoootttt!!! . So Nervous!! mcm nak tegur tapy malu lah . lepas maghrib ade lak ceramah . dgr jelah . then kene panggil masuk kuliah . then dah abis kuliah tuh . terus lari ( dah abis pun) . pegy kat pintu masuk ceramah tadi . luq pusing2 lah . nak carik nashreen . hihihi . then pusing2 lgy . nampak lah sekumpulan bdk perempuan tahfiz.then luq pandang jelah . mcm ade org pandang kat luq . luq pandang jelah . i think that NASHREEN ! Wow ! then dier terus lari . baru je nak.... then luq pun balek lah sklh ! tido kat sklh ! hohoho . Best day lah dikate kan . hoho . yawww ~!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jpan :)

Aluuuuu . it's me luq . luq suke sgt lah makan japanese food *obses . hohohoho ! tapy kat shah alam ade skit je lah yg jual japanese food .

Takoyaki are known as octopus (tako) balls

it"s like japanese pancake .

nak mcm makan tiap2 hari je . hohohoho . nak sgt gi jepun . gyabo! . luq tertarik culture,adab , dan laen2 lah . hohoho . gtg ! Gyabo

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Coldplay !

Yawww ! I love Coldplay so much ! And i obsess ! hahahaha !

Coldplay - Paradise
Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
Coldplay - Charlie Brown
Coldplay - Hurt Like Heaven
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Coldplay - Fix You
Coldplay - Scientist

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tak Sangke :D

Yawww :D . Hello dan salam . happy chinese new year ! luq baru baru je balik qiam . huhuhu . mate cam 24 hours . hahaha . harap2 lah boleh dpt 8A ! amin (buat solat hajat tady) . mase nak ondoway blk sekolah . terjumpe pulak mak nashreen . luq x sangke . hihihi . then mase balik . pegy lah sarapan kat restoran kat sek7 . terjumpe pulak ! syakir ngan aqil . dah grown up ! hahaha . dtg pulak syahadah ngan fatimah . hahaha . oklah tuh dah cun skit . hahaha ! ok gtg ! bye2 !

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Truth

I hopping you read this . It is mean a lot to me . You must be curious why i text you so many . Sorry to say . I was worried about you . You didnt text me for a while . I was worried about you . I think you're gone ( sorry i say that ) . If you had a problem you can tell me . if you want . Kan kite nie kawan . right ?

P/s : sorilah buat ayt jiwang sgt . -,-